​Re​d Bear Healing Home
Building Respect for All Life
Thank You
Red Bear Healing Home is grateful for the generous support received. The generosity of these sponsors enables Red Bear Healing Home Society to fund an important service for people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness and ensures people who are disadvantaged economically have a 'lifeline' to support, community services, friends and family.

Thank You - Our Supporters
2018 - 2019
Employment and Social Development Canada
Govenment of Nova Scotia - Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage
Govenment of Nova Scotia - Seniors
Halifax Municipal Counsellors
Sam Austin
Waye Mason
Tim Outhit
Russell Walker
Richard Zurawski
Nova Scotia Public Research Group-NSPIRG
Mary Jane Copps – The Phone Lady
Penny Ascroft
Employment and Social Development Canada
Halifax Councellors
Mary Jane Copps – The Phone Lady
Municipality of the County of Digby
Municipality of the County of Chester
Nova Scotia Public Research Group-NSPIRG

Music Connects Us
Benefit Dance and Auction
Thank You 2016 Donors and Volunteers
Woodsworthy and all those that attended
Alex Pfaff - Andre Comeau - Ann Clow - Big Pony - Community YMCA - Elle's Bistro - Emily Stott - Home Depot - Ingrid Cottenden - Interlude Spa - Joan Smith - Joanne Bernard - Jont and the Infinite Possibility - Judy Arsenault - Just Us - Long & McQuaid - Michael McCullough Photography - New Scotland Yard Emporium - NS 211 - Organic Earth Market - Portland St Creperie - Power Promotional - Ralph Parker - Sobeys (Enfield & Bedford) - Sweet Brier - The Bike Pedaler - Three Oracles Emarket - Trident Booksellers - Two If By the Sea Café - Sobeys

Our Partners
Our partners make it easy for people to access free voice mail - Thank You NS 211
Feed NS
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